Many people ask, “How do I join AA?”
The answer is simple. Any person seeking help with a drinking problem is welcome to attend any and all AA meetings. To get help, start with going to a meeting. You can find a list of meetings on our website with different selection options. See
There is even a map view.
If you are looking to help a person in your life with an alcohol problem you can go to any open AA meeting which can be attended by anybody. See:
For help for yourself, contact our sister organization Alanon. See:
AA does not provide medical advice or detox services. These need to come from medical experts. But we can help point you in the right direction. There is no “membership validation process”, all you need to state, if asked, that you are looking for help with an alcohol problem. There are no fees or dues, but we do “pass the hat” to help defray cost for free coffee, cookies, and rental.
There is also a 24-hour help line (416 487 5591) and a GTA website (
If you have any further questions, email